Anna von Hausswolff

16.08.2018 / 20:00 - 21:00 / /
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Anna von Hausswolff spielt am Donnerstag im Kesselhaus experimentellen Pop.

Photo: Anders Nydam

Anna Michaela Ebba Electra von Hausswolff took early inspiration from Diamanda Galás, and today she prefers to spend her time in churches. This may all sound very gothic at first, but it’s actually more practical than anything else—last we checked, family homes in Sweden are not yet built with their own organs, and the organ is von Hausswolff's preferred instrument. From the mighty drones of »Källan« to her folk-inspired early work, the Pomperipossa Records boss has created her own haunting world via the imposing sound of the world’s largest and oldest synthesizer, especially on »Ceremony«, »The Miraculous«, and »Dead Magic«. And because this multi-talent also likes churches for the atmosphere they offer, her dazzling music casts a bit of light into the darkest corner of these cold buildings. In von Hausswolff's little world, music traverses the landscapes between fact and fiction with a sensibility that’s whimsical, wondrous, and all-around wonderful!


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