Berlin Music Tours

15. - 17.08.2018 / 11.00 – 14.00 + 15.00 - 18.00 / /
Buy Tickets / Attend on Facebook

15.-17.08 / 11.00–14.00 Meeting point: Kesselhaus / Spaziergang / de

15.-17.08 / 15.00–18.00 Meeting point: David Hasselhoff Museum / Walk / en

For over ten years, the native Berliner, trained sound engineer, and former talent scout, promoter, and booker Thilo Schmied has been offering guided walking tours that focus on Berlin’s musical history. The Hansa Studios are one of his stops, and he also naturally gives tours specialising in David Bowie or Depeche Mode. For Pop-Kultur, Schmied has designed a walk through Prenzlauer Berg and Mitte. It will address pop and underground culture, the punk rock scene of the GDR, the changes associated with the fall of the Wall, squats, the alternative left scene and its bands, as well as the current structure of these neighbourhoods and the musical activity within them.

The walks are not included in the Pop-Kultur Day Passes or Festival Passes—they require a separate registration via