Chelsea Wolfe

15.08.2018 / 21.10 - 22.20 / /
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Chelsea Wolfe spielt am Mittwoch im Kesselhaus Rock.

Photo: Mary Gebhardt

The late German chancellor Helmut Schmidt said that »Anyone who has a vision should go to the doctor«. But that’s not always the case—and Chelsea Wolfe does things differently from everyone else anyway. Her first vision, or epiphany, came during a tour of Europe in the summer of 2009, after which she wrote »The Grime and the Glow«; the second followed in 2011 with the release of »Apokalypsis«, and after that the lightbulb went on for the rest of the world, too. Since then, Wolfe’s pitch-black doom-folk, or folk-doom, has been essential to metal-festival programs worldwide and topped all the indie best-of-year lists. Wolfe stubbornly continues with what she brought to at least a momentary climax in the 2017 LP »Hiss Spun«: a wistful search, via music, for even more epiphanies. She walks this road armed with a guitar, a haunting soprano voice, and a vision that traditional medicine wouldn’t be able to cure anyway.

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