Die Mausis

15.08.2018 / 21:00 - 21:30 / /
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Die Mausis spielen am Mittwoch im Frannz Singer/Songwriter-Musik.

Photo: Benjamin Schieck

If you mix black and white, you get grey. If you mix Die Heiterkeit and Drangsal, two solo acts, you get Die Mausis. Stella Sommer and Max Gruber combined forces in 2017 with a plea to the pop world: »Be smart, stay grey!« The songwriter duo’s collaborative EP, which was recorded in a single day by Die Nerven member Max Rieger for the label Buback, sounded correspondingly ambivalent. On it, you’ll hear acoustic lyrical content about the evil of the world, about things like love, about cats and other threats. It’s cheekily and cleverly presented, and performed with the slightest trace of a smile on an otherwise deadpan visage. Three songs and two covers might have been enough, but one can’t help but to expect more from these two mighty mice. As a listener, you’ll find yourself asking less which one is Pinky and which one is the Brain, and more when they’ll be through with world domination. Die Mausis’ performance at Pop-Kultur is their first live performance ever.

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