»Ein Hit ist ein Hit: The One-Night-Stand of Pop«

17.08.2018 / 19:00 - 20:00 / / ,
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Am Freitag wird im Palais das Auftragswerk von »Ein Hit ist ein Hit« vorgestellt.

Image: Artist

›One-hit wonders‹ or, as the Germans call them, ›mayflies‹ have been a part of pop since Marlene Dietrich cut »Too old to cut the mustard« with George Clooney’s aunt. Indeed statistics reveal that it’s the exception rather than the rule for an artist to maintain relevance for more than the briefest of pop cultural moments. So do one-hit wonders make you happy? And if so, for how long and how best to prepare oneself for being thrown back into the deep well of obscurity? These and other questions will be expertly dissected in a special Pop-Kultur edition of the famous »Ein Hit ist ein Hit«-Show with very special live guest stars from the festival.

Lothar Berndorff: author

Thomas Fietz: drums

Tobias Friedrich: author

Adrian Kennedy: moderation

Catharina Schorling: keyboard

Nikko Weidemann: musical director

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