Lisa Morgenstern

15.08.2018 / 21.00 - 21.40 / /
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Lisa Morgenstern spielt am Mittwoch im Maschinenhaus experimentelle Klaviermusik.

Photo: Miguel Murrieta

These days, there doesn’t seem to be a shortage of delicate piano sounds in pop music—but convincing visions behind those sounds are few and far between. Lisa Morgenstern is so virtuosic that she can play on two grand pianos at the same time, but her performances always resolutely follow a musical idea. She sometimes pursues the direction of post-minimalist solemnity, sometimes devotes herself to insightful songwriting, sometimes drifts off into experimentation—the inevitable result, in other words, of parents who can’t decide between Tchaikovsky and Deep Purple, and of deep-seated interest in modular synthesizers. For her album »Chameleon«, the Berliner-by-choice has teamed up with the Argentinian composer Sebastian Plano and uses her experience as a singer in a Bulgarian women's choir to add yet another ingredient to this idiosyncratic mix. So many ideas and even more talent, and behind all of that a solid vision.

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