Noga Erez

17.08.2018 / 00.00 - 01.00 (Friday night) / /
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Noga Erez spielt am Freitag im Frannz Pop.

Photo: Tonje Thilesen

We’re in a mess, and we have exactly two options. Either we lock ourselves in at home with organic red wine, delivery food, and Spotify streams. Or we do as Noga Erez does and mercilessly zoom in. In last year’s debut album »Off the Radar«, which she also presented at Pop-Kultur (already in 2016), the Israeli takes a magnifying glass to issues that are otherwise overlooked. Sexual violence, the political situation in her homeland, and the unheard voices of a generation that no longer wants to stand by idly by are themes that Erez pairs with a club sound that’s both sparse and maximalist. Together with her studio partner Ori Rousso, she makes boundless music for a world in which borders are drawn increasingly strictly. The result is an anxious, unsettling sound as naked and hard as the reality we are obliged to face everyday. Looking away is not an option.

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