
17.08.2018 / 21:00 - 21:40 / /
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Shortparis spielen am Freitag im Frannz experimentellen Pop.

Photo: Vsevolod Ledovski

Shortparis was founded in 2011 in St. Petersburg. They’re now speeding ahead towards their zenith and will break up, satisfied, in two years. The first of these three statements is a fact, the second is obvious, and the third is a hopefully-false prophecy by the band-collective itself—although on second thought, it would be like them to drop the curtain when the doors are wide open. More classifiable as an experimental performance troupe than as a band in the classic sense, the trio races through four or more genres and three languages over handy three-and-a-half-minute radio formats on releases like »The Daughters«. Their »audio theater« is best performed in abandoned industrial ruins, and if that sounds less timely than ahead of its time, you’re onto something. So it's all the more important to be a witness now and today. After all, in two years, this delightful nightmare may already have reached its abrupt end.

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