The White Screen

16.08.2018 / 23:00 - 23:40 / /
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The White Screen spielen am Donnerstag im Frannz Post-Punk.

Photo: Gaya Saadon

The White Screen awkwardly call themselves »Very not political correct«—and for good reason. To begin with, the cousins Gabriel and Gilbert Broid made a name for themselves in their hometown of Tel Aviv with especially extravagant performances. They’ve also made it their mission to bring hedonism (i.e. lust and sex) back into music. And they’re known for their opinion of the political leadership of their homeland—an opinion that’s much louder than it is favourable. The music of The White Screen is accordingly dirty, glamorous, punk, and trashy. For their self-titled debut album on Garzen, the beach goths welcomes the Red Axes, the loop rocker Ryskinder, and the surf legend Ram Orion into the studio. Accordingly, the results are very dirty, very not political correct, and all-around very good.

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